The Greatest Show You Haven’t Seen

The Greatest Show You Haven’t Seen (Yet)!
You and your best friend stand beneath a balcony chatting eagerly. “AAAHHH!” A chilling shriek is heard as you witness a man falling to his doom from the

balcony above. *SPLAT*. This is the opening scene in Desperado Episode 1, a Grand Theft Auto 5 show directed by Machinima and written by Sacramento State Film Major,

D’Adonis Moquette. It is part Breaking Bad and part Sons of Anarchy… it is hands-down the greatest show you have never seen. Watch Now (or Link at the bottom)

(NO SPOILERS: Don’t worry, I will not spoil the series BUT GO WATCH IT NOW)

“What the HELL did you get me into!?…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Professional Film?!
For those unaware, Machinimas are films that utilize video games as their platform. Some can be quirky, short, and unappealing…Desperado doesn’t have

that problem with a professionally fully voiced cast and elite cinematography. (Update: The director even had original music produced for the series!)

*Puffs* “You have 2 days…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Desperado is a compelling compendium of sorts. It follows a rag-tag group of Bikers who find themselves in a dilemma: Trying to pay off a debt to a mob boss

and his goons. Meanwhile, a federal agent, who has a personal vendetta against the Bikers, is sent on their trail with one of the most engaging and heart-pulsing character introductions I have seen in a film (let alone a Machinima).

“Let that be a lesson to anyone who doesn’t prove their loyalty to the club…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Holy Crap, They can Act!
I found it rather interesting to find the humanity in these characters simply because of the fact that they are video game characters, but the compelling

voice acting and story driven plot. I was also surprised at the risks that the Writer took with the twists in the story that would pay-off in later episodes.

It definitely kept me wanting to come back for more because you can absolutely see the passion and effort that went into the creation of the series, and it shows.

(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

What Makes the Show so Compelling?
Do you remember the first time that you’ve ever tasted your favorite food? You might have been a little weary at first, or thought to yourself “Pizza?… I

don’t trust this… never trust anything with too many Z’s in it.” Shortly there after you take a tantalizing bite that sets you upon your scantily diabetic

destiny. That slice (with a little less artery clogging inducing capacity) is Desperado. There’s an aspect of familiar yet the wild frontier, and the best way

I can describe it is a modern Western for the new eara as it blends the classic tale of heroes but gives the heroes a dark twist.

“I just want to feel… like I’m home again…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
If you’ve played Grand Theft Auto 5, you would know that the tone of the game is modern with technologically inclined and pop culture undertones. This series

feels more humble and could’ve been shot in almost anything and hold up because of the voice acting and script but there are things that could be worked on even

in a perfect series. Sometimes the background characters seem off (Non-speaking characters), which are more-so the limitations of the video-game platform than

anything else. The series can be so engaging that I get upset that every episode isn’t out yet (which can be ra positive depending on how bad you would miss your pizza).

“Do you still think Biker Clubs are fun to play with?”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Glued to Your Seat…
Overall, Desperado is an entertaining perspective that dastardly shines a light upon our foolish intentions meshed with our quaintness for affection. Links to the episodes below.

Desperado Ep.1
Desperado Ep.2
Desperado Ep.3