Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Review

THIS IS SPARTA! That’s right, the newest edition of Assassin’s Creed has been out for a while and people have been kick-flailing all about it and for good reason (you know… besides working out those thy muscles). I couldn’t help but find myself contractually obligated to produce a magnificent review of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, or what I like to call, the “Revenge of Leonidas’ Kick.”

Now some of you may be asking, “what’s with all of the 300 movie references Adonis?… You beautiful man you…” To that I say: First, the commonalities are many, and second… it’s nice to be called beautiful every once in a while (men need to feel pretty too).

Both 300 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey take place in Ancient Greece. You play as a Spartan who loses their way after tragedy strikes early on in their life that leads you on an epic journey to find your mother. It’s basically the movies Home Alone meets 300. Speaking of mothers…

Battle of the Sexes
For the first time in Assassin’s Creed history, you are able to select what gender you will be (there’s another AC game where you got to play as both genders, but didn’t get to chose which for an entirety of the game.)

For the first time in a long while, I contemplated what gender to play as since I always play as male. I ended up choosing male anyway, but the fact that it arose in me that much deep/intellectual thought, still intrigues me.

So Many Cliffs… Too Little Time…
Now ask yourself, how does it feel to be on the wrong side of a flat-heeled sandal (being kicked off of a cliff)? If you are the remorse-kind, you just might save your arch supports for another day. One of the many new aspects introduced into the AC mix is the option of choice.

Though the easiest option might be to kick a higher-leveled foe off of the nearest cliff, AC Odyssey introduces dialog options where diplomacy and choice comes into play. Some of these options can get pretty complex and effect future game results.

For instance, one of the hardest choices I had was to either catch a baby murder who was going to escape or save a baby from a burning building… (Look below to see the end result).

Ladies, I’m Single…

Would you look who it is… My Old Nemesis…
AC Odyssey introduces the Nemesis system. Originally created by the developers of the “Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor” the nemesis system creates enemies at random who each have their own personalities, weapon types, strengths, and weaknesses. It

humanizes and brings importance to, what could’ve been, mundane enemies. It’s nice to know that the people you are kicking off cliffs will have a digital family that will never skip leg day again.

Kicking Solves Most of Your Problems… Almost…
Though my favorite move in the game might not work on everyone, it certainly is useful so when in doubt… kick it out! I give Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 8/10 Spartan Kicks. What did you think of the game?

Did you find yourself Spartan-Kicking your way out of a tough situation? Let us know below, and for all of your future reviews, keep it locked to KSSU.

Is Venom as bad as Critics Say?

Venom (2018) (Sony Pictures)
Black Panther Spider-Man.. I mean.. Venom, released October 5th, 2018 to a slaughter of critic scores in the cine-plex. At the time of this writing, Venom sits at a 32% on Rotten Tomatoes which makes it officially a certified load of crap, but does that translate across all boards? Could viewers disagree with critics? Rhetorical; the fact of the matter is that fans and the average viewer alike agree that Venom is a smash hit and here are my reasons for the divide:

A Story Lost to Madness (And Funniness?)
Venom is absurd (the character and the film) but that’s not a bad thing! Quite frankly, the film starts at a bad pace and really doesn’t pick up until the 2nd act with the introduction of Venom himself. The majority of major blockbuster films are now suffering from an interesting concept of “Marvel-it-up,” which translates to “make all movies funny.” What happens when you try to make more things funny? Critics get tired of the same-old, but the average movie goer who takes a trip to the movies once a month doesn’t experience the same fatigue of “Marvel-itis” (yes I made my own word, sue-itis me).

What Makes this Redeemable?
Tom Hardy, despite some of his questionable roles (I’m looking at you Bane in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises), is quite the extraordinary actor and certainly gets to flex his acting chops in Venom as both his roles as Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote, which he provides voice over work for. The bread and butter of this film is churned through the character interactions between Brock and Venom

Where did Sony Stumble?
Sony (the movie studio) has a bad habit of showing too much in their movie
trailers and some could make an interesting case for this film’s trailers ruining all of the best action sequences in the film itself. The surprise is that, although it is an interested marketing strategy, it shouldn’t be a pejorative to movie goers. It isn’t and shouldn’t be the “end-all, be-all” for a film to have a questionable trailer production team, but yet here we sit talking about it’s importance (so… hint-hint Sony…).

Isn’t Venom a Bad Guy?
The Anti-Hero isn’t that much of a new frontier. It was done recently by DC and the like (à la Suicide Squad, Spawn, DeadPool, Wolverine, Ghost-Rider…), but where does Venom sit on the hero-scale spectrum? Without getting too much into spoiler territory, Venom becomes a person (symbiote) whom the audience can get behind. In their own individual spin-off movies, of course they’ll be the hero to their story!

Should you See it or Not? Who Do I Believe?
No one! Believe no one! I typically love to get my media reviews from famous YouTubers such as “Beyond the Trailer,” and “Angry Joe,” (all of whom I highly recommend, both for entertainment and astute critical analysis values, which are credited to different demographics) but I’ve even disagreed with their views on different products of media. The best way to form your own opinion is to form it yourself (and listen to me of course).

What are your thoughts on the Venom (2018) movie? Did it surpass your expectations?

Comment and write below, and for all of your Anti-Hero news, keep it locked to

The Greatest Show You Haven’t Seen

The Greatest Show You Haven’t Seen (Yet)!
You and your best friend stand beneath a balcony chatting eagerly. “AAAHHH!” A chilling shriek is heard as you witness a man falling to his doom from the

balcony above. *SPLAT*. This is the opening scene in Desperado Episode 1, a Grand Theft Auto 5 show directed by Machinima and written by Sacramento State Film Major,

D’Adonis Moquette. It is part Breaking Bad and part Sons of Anarchy… it is hands-down the greatest show you have never seen. Watch Now (or Link at the bottom)

(NO SPOILERS: Don’t worry, I will not spoil the series BUT GO WATCH IT NOW)

“What the HELL did you get me into!?…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Professional Film?!
For those unaware, Machinimas are films that utilize video games as their platform. Some can be quirky, short, and unappealing…Desperado doesn’t have

that problem with a professionally fully voiced cast and elite cinematography. (Update: The director even had original music produced for the series!)

*Puffs* “You have 2 days…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Desperado is a compelling compendium of sorts. It follows a rag-tag group of Bikers who find themselves in a dilemma: Trying to pay off a debt to a mob boss

and his goons. Meanwhile, a federal agent, who has a personal vendetta against the Bikers, is sent on their trail with one of the most engaging and heart-pulsing character introductions I have seen in a film (let alone a Machinima).

“Let that be a lesson to anyone who doesn’t prove their loyalty to the club…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Holy Crap, They can Act!
I found it rather interesting to find the humanity in these characters simply because of the fact that they are video game characters, but the compelling

voice acting and story driven plot. I was also surprised at the risks that the Writer took with the twists in the story that would pay-off in later episodes.

It definitely kept me wanting to come back for more because you can absolutely see the passion and effort that went into the creation of the series, and it shows.

(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

What Makes the Show so Compelling?
Do you remember the first time that you’ve ever tasted your favorite food? You might have been a little weary at first, or thought to yourself “Pizza?… I

don’t trust this… never trust anything with too many Z’s in it.” Shortly there after you take a tantalizing bite that sets you upon your scantily diabetic

destiny. That slice (with a little less artery clogging inducing capacity) is Desperado. There’s an aspect of familiar yet the wild frontier, and the best way

I can describe it is a modern Western for the new eara as it blends the classic tale of heroes but gives the heroes a dark twist.

“I just want to feel… like I’m home again…”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
If you’ve played Grand Theft Auto 5, you would know that the tone of the game is modern with technologically inclined and pop culture undertones. This series

feels more humble and could’ve been shot in almost anything and hold up because of the voice acting and script but there are things that could be worked on even

in a perfect series. Sometimes the background characters seem off (Non-speaking characters), which are more-so the limitations of the video-game platform than

anything else. The series can be so engaging that I get upset that every episode isn’t out yet (which can be ra positive depending on how bad you would miss your pizza).

“Do you still think Biker Clubs are fun to play with?”
(Credit: Desperado Episode 1: Welcome Prospects/Wrath Films)

Glued to Your Seat…
Overall, Desperado is an entertaining perspective that dastardly shines a light upon our foolish intentions meshed with our quaintness for affection. Links to the episodes below.

Desperado Ep.1
Desperado Ep.2
Desperado Ep.3

PS4 Spider-Man Review (As a New Yorker)

Nana-nana-nana… Spider-Man! Recently released PS4 exclusive Spider-Man has gotten the internet raving about it’s newest edition to the Superhero video game genre. But has Insomniac Games captured the essence that is web-swinging? With reviews circulating the internet I thought the best way to provide an authentic review, is to review it in my alter ego persona, Donny the Don: Professional New Yorker Extraordinaire! (Side note, I’ve never been to New York)

Hey! I’m Swingin’ Here!

Hello, Donny the Don here, hows it going? Yeah I’m taking over, big whoop. Right off the bat I’d like to say that the swinging in this game is incredible. Nothin’ like tellin’ the cabs to “screw off” like traveling via web-powers!

Insomniac Games has created an incredible web-swinging mechanic dat’ redefines and adds on top of an already engaging experience. Much like Spider-Man 2 (the game), webs attach to actual structures in game like my own motha’ inviting herself over to my place for cannoli.

Would you like to swing ‘round a corner by attaching yourself to a radio tower?… YOU CAN! Want to dive-bomb and web-zip at the last second before splatting on the ground like a pizza delivered after 30 minutes? You bet!

Want to swing up higher than the buildings and attach to clouds? FORGET ABOUT IT! What are you a wise-guy!?

Why I ‘Oughta!

Aye, what does Spider-Man got to do to get respect ‘round here, eh!? The combat system is reminiscent of the Batman Arkham video game series. An interweaving (see what I did there?) of attack-dodge and gadgetry.

Gadgets range from web-grenades to spider-drones (Spider-Man is officially a Millennial). The fighting is where da’ game really shines like a street performer in the subway. Aye, you gotta’ do what you gotta’ do.

Your Mudda Dresses Yous’ Funny!

If all of you’s want to be da’ Spider-Man… then you’s got to dress the part! The game offers you’s the opportunity to not only wear the original design created by Insomniac Games for Spider-Man, but up to 27 different costumes (as of the time of this article).

Some are call backs to classic Spider-Man Comics, Films, Alternate Dimensions, and a couple of surprising ones dat’ I wont dare spoil. That’s a lot of different choices there for you’s tough guys, eh?

Are You Talkin’ ta Me?

Whoever was leading the Story/Dialog and Facial Animation of this Game deserves our fricken’ respect! Cutscenes are at peak performance and are the epitome of story driven prestige.

All ‘dat fancy mambo jumbo just means ‘dat when they talkin’ to you’s, all of you’s listen alright? Don’t make me get wound-up like traffic going over the Brooklyn Bridge!

Some surprising cameo’s from classic Spider-Man villains and alternate universes find a way to make guest appearances in da’ game. Several times I found myself chuckling wit’ glee as I witnessed call backs to Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movie, or a certain collectible dat’ was referencing da’ very first Spider-Man comic!

I Swear Officer… Dey’ were Webbed Up When I Got Here!

Overall da’ game is a wonder to behold and is added to my personal list of “Best Games of the Year.” Spider-Man PS4 by Insomniac Games swings in at a cool 9/10 for great story-line, better game play, and the best Web-Swinging in a Spider-Man game yet!

Were you as excited for this game as much as I was? What was your experience with the game? Let us know in the comment section below and for all of your Super Vigilante needs, keep it locked to

Treat School like Marvel (5 Steps)

As I sit here and watch “Deadpool 2,” (the latest Marvel film out on Blu Ray) two things come into my mind: 1. God I hope that Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool forever, and 2. With 20 films currently flying under the Marvel Films Banner, how do they keep audiences interested? As I traversed through the film titles of new and past Marvel movies a-like, thoughts of personal long-term goals arose in my own Cinematic Universe, called “School Life,” (With more sequels then I would like to admit). Here’s my 5 Step Guide on how to make your schooling as successful as a Marvel Movie.

Step 1: You Are Not Alone (Find Help)

Now before some readers mention it, yes I know Deadpool isn’t “officially” part of the Marvel Universe but it is considered in-partnership with Marvel… And that is the FIRST step (Ahhh, see what I did there?) School can be long and hard like Thor’s new battle-axe. So the first step is to realize that you’re not in this fight alone. There are several programs and tutors at your local Stark Tower… I mean college. If you are attending Community College (in California), your tuition you pay for actually covers FREE COUNSELING through your Counseling office at your Community College.

Step 2: Plan for Multiple Villains (Come Prepared)

By Villains, I obviously mean the person who raises their hand in the middle of class to announce that they will be taking over the world. Side Note: If you are a student who wishes to do as such, please refer to Step 1 where I go over seeking counseling. By Villains, I mean challenges that will arrive from the endless waves of Homework, Quizzes, and Tests. I highly suggest using a website called which allows students to rate their teachers by their effectiveness. Now I know I might get some flak for suggesting this website but the real value in this outlet is that it lifts the veil of what potential course work will be. We as students are either borrowing or paying out-of-pocket thousands of dollars and investing it into strangers hoping that we will be fairly judged, graded, and given equal attention. This is all done with the hopes that we will secure a brighter future for ourselves which will effect the next 60-70 years of our lives (unless you are me because I intend on living forever). Why wouldn’t we wish to arm ourselves with the knowledge of the best opportunity?

Step 3: You have to be Accepted into the Avengers (Teacher’s Good side)

Right out of high-school I spent 5 years as a Teacher’s Aide and gained insight on some of the highest level of insider details about the illusive specimen known as Teachers, and here is the big secret: THEY ARE HUMAN (Que the dramatic gopher). Yes, Teachers are indeed humans with feelings, needs, wants, likes, dislikes, and biases. It is not a guarantee but typically a person will cut more slack for someone they like (it’s human nature). Once I found out that (theoretically speaking of course) if two students turn in identical work with identical effort but the teacher likes one student and dislikes the other student, they could potentially get two separate grades… I turned into Captain America 2.0 faster than you can say “We Have a Hulk.”

Step 4: Even the Odds (Use Statistics to your Advantage)

Statistically speaking, the students who sit in the front row benefit with having a higher level of attendance and grade point averages. So a quick cheat would be to sit in the front row.

Step 5: Act like an Avenger (Fake it ‘Til You Make it)

In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America is picked on, ridiculed, and rejected from following his passion. His goal was to join in the fight against the Nazi’s and serve his country. This was all before he was officially Captain America, so he had no super powers at his disposal. While out on a training course, he was running drills with other military personnel and a fake grenade is thrown in between all of them. Without hesitation, Rogers sacrifices himself by throwing himself on the dummy grenade, thus attempting to save the same group of people who had been mocking and bullying him merely scenes before. Courage and strength in school doesn’t come from being good at school. Most 4.0(+) students will tell you that they had to put in the time and effort to have it reflect on their grades. If you wish to be a Hero, you must act like one… if you wish to be a good student, you must act like one. No Matter what guidelines we may receive or Iron suits we may build, if we don’t go into them like heroes, we’ll stop short of being genius billionaire playboy philanthropists… And no one wants that.