Music Review – Symphony X “Iconoclast”

By: Brian Bautista (DJ Barge)


I have always had a hard and fast rule when discussing the best albums of a given year. I do not discuss it or even bring it up until November. It is simply way to easy to get swept up in all the hype when an album drops. I am breaking that rule.

Iconoclast is a masterpiece. It is not only my favorite album of the year, it is my favorite Symphony X album. (and I Still rock Paradise Lost and Divine Wings weekly if not daily) Michael Romeo is in top form throughout as he works as only he can. No disrespect for the number of real quality guitar players out there in metal, but Michael Romeo is at or near the top of the list.

Iconoclast is a decidedly heavier album then Paradise Lost, with much heavier rifts and harder composition. The Title Track is an 11 minute long metal odyssey that really sets the tone of the album. My favorite track on the album is definitely track 4 “Bastards of the Machine”, but really the entire album is gold. Other great tracks include track 6 “Children of a Faceless God” and Track 2 “The End of innocence. If you like Progressive Metal, if you like Metal, if you like music. You need to hear this album.

As I said before this is the best album I have heard this year. The first real front runner for me had to be Amon Amarth’s Surtur Rising, I also really enjoyed In Flames’ Sounds of a Playground Fading, but Iconoclast is just a cut above the field. Everything about this album is masterful, the composition, the vocals, the shredding, the pacing, all of it.

Even if you weren’t a huge fan of Symphony X, what the hell is wrong with you?, this is the quality of album that could change your mind. If you have not heard of Symphony X, this is the perfect introduction. If you don’t like metal, how the hell did you get here?, this is the type of album that can get you into metal. It has my highest recommendations.

SCORE 9/10 (yes before you ask a 10 is nearly impossible, seriously I think I have only given out like 1 or 2 ever, I think Clayman was one)

Iconoclast is available June 21st in both regular and two disc Deluxe edition.

The only cool pirates are Swashbuckle and Alestorm, don’t steal this album.

You will hear a lot of this album in rotation here at KSSU and on my show “The Forge” Live tuesdays 3-4pm PST, spinning new metal because all those other Stations are afraid. Follow us on twitter @kssusparky.

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