Power Shot with DJ Bluebomber


Hello people of the internet!

My name is Zach Kaminski, but, if you listen to KSSU on Tuesdays at 7-8 PM then you probably know me as DJ Bluebomber. If you don’t listen to my show then I’m here to convince you to do so. My salesman skills are not up to snuff but I’d like to share with you a little bit about me and my show.

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Music Review: Opeth – “Heritage”

Opeth - Heritage





Following the release of their acclaimed Watershed and the longest wait between albums since the band’s inception 20 plus years ago, Opeth return with the Heritage which is sure to be a head-turner for a few reasons. For one, the album completely lacks growling vocals from frontman/founder/only consistent member/all-around cool dude Mikael Akerfeldt. This is by no means a jab at Akerfeldt though as he produces one of my favorite singing voices not just in metal but all any genre. I point out this fact knowing that there are a number of fans that will actually care about this. To these naysayers I must point out that it is not the first time the band has gone this route. Please see 2005’s masterpiece Damnation. [Read more…]

Music Review – Symphony X “Iconoclast”

By: Brian Bautista (DJ Barge)


I have always had a hard and fast rule when discussing the best albums of a given year. I do not discuss it or even bring it up until November. It is simply way to easy to get swept up in all the hype when an album drops. I am breaking that rule.

Iconoclast is a masterpiece. It is not only my favorite album of the year, it is my favorite Symphony X album. (and I Still rock Paradise Lost and Divine Wings weekly if not daily) Michael Romeo is in top form throughout as he works as only he can. No disrespect for the number of real quality guitar players out there in metal, but Michael Romeo is at or near the top of the list. [Read more…]