Version Control


I’m currently sitting in Riverside Hall at Sacramento State listening to Modest Mouse to drown out the voices around me, and contemplating the presentation I just heard about Git. Now if you don’t happen to be a programmer this may be your first time hearing about it, or version control in general.

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Interview – Gil and Rani Sharone of Stolen Babies

I recently had the opportunity to interview world renowned drummer Gil. Giland is a member of Stolen Babies, a former member of Dilinger Escape Plan, and a contributer to Puscifer (Maynard of Tool’s side project). When we were able to chat Gil informed me that his brother, and fellow Stolen Babies member/pucifer contributer, Rani was also able to talk. Unbeknown to Gil, Rani is one of the most influential musicians to my personal musical growth, so I was unbelievably stoked to talk with them both.

The three of us discuss their various projects (Puscifer, Dilinger Escape Plan, etc), their first band, the episode of Full House they appeared in, their relationship with Invader Zim creator Jhonen Vasquez, the new album Naught, and much much more.

Hear the Full interview after the jump…
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CD Review – Storm Corrosion

After years of both hype and mystery, the long-awaited collaboration between the leaders of progressive giants Opeth and Porcupine Tree has surfaced.

Mikael Åkerfeldt and Steven Wilson have been in cahoots for many years, but until now,, the extent of their collaborative efforts has simply been the appearance on one another’s albums. While Åkerfeldt provided some backing vocals and guitar on The Porcupine Tree gem Deadwing, Wilson has famously had a hand in most of Opeth’s albums since Blackwater Park. To hear that they were joining forces in Storm Corrosion was not much of a surprise, but it was still something to get very excited about.
What was a surprise, was when the pair announced that the result of the collaboration included zero metal elements and barely any drums. Considering a third name in this project early on was Mike Portnoy, of Dream Theater fame, it’s not a shock, in hindsight, that his name was removed from the project.

The final product is still a very immersive and intense record  It is heavy in a different way, yet very beautiful and dark.

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